Wirst Blades
The Wirst Blade is most preffered Yautja weapon. This weapon is best
used in close face-to-face combats. Wirst Blade is usualy mounted on
the right gauntlet of a Yautja and approx. 30cm long. These twin blades
are capable of slicing threw bone and can be easily retracted.
Primary Fire : Quick Slash
Secondary Fire : Charged Slash
An extending spear about a meter long when retracted, this weapon is
self powered and is best used in close range combat. When extended it
is about three meters long. As most if not all Yautja weapons are made
out of virtually unbreakable aloy, this weapon also sharpened ends and
they can produce electrical charges as it slices threw any material.
Primary Fire : Horizontal Slash
Secondary Fire : Vertical Slash
The Pistol is an small handheld gun. It fires energy blasts using your
own energy. This weapon is very powerfull against Xenomorph lifeforms
and moderate against humans. This weapon has been quite upgraded since
AvP1. After testing it a few time on myself I find out 2 shots were
enough to send me into oblivion. Another advantage is that the projectile
isn't going with a curve but in a straight line. The second firing option
is what seems to be an EMP Blast, I only had the opportunity to test
it on myself an after 1 tap of the mousebutton I was without energy.
Primary Fire : 1 Energy
Secondary Fire : 3
EMP Blasts with a curve
The ultimate predator
sniper-rifle. This long range weapon fires spears. It is a very powerfull
weapon, capable of killing humans with one shot. It was first introduced
in Predator 2. Where the speargun itself wasn't seen very good but the
projectile was. The speartip is crafted from a very light and strong
metal. In the hands of a someone with a good aim this weapon is a lethal
Primary Fire : 1 Spear
Secondary Fire : Multiple
Shoulder Cannon
One of the most powerful of the Yautja's weapons, the Shoulder Cannon
is light weight and is mounted on a Yautja's shoulder, capable of firing
long and short range blasts multiple times. The cannon is very destructive
and the power of the blast is unleashed at a desired target, and will
give great damage to anything it attacks. The blasts of the Shoulder
Cannon now follow their targets, making it harder for them to avoid
the inevitable
Primary Fire : Fires a bolt, longer
you you press the button the more power the blast.
Secondary Fire : Charges a bolt,
ready to be released with a tap of the Primary Fire.
This internally powered airborn is crafted out of the same light weight
material like most Yautja weaponry. It is capable of coming back to
the thrower after it has been thrown at the target and nutralized it.
With it's devestating razer sharp edges it can slice threw any material.
Primary Fire : Trows the darn thing.
Secondary Fire : None
First introduced in
Predator 2. This weapon will fire a net which captures your victims
and slowly kills them. The only way to get out of this trap is to slash
it using your claws, knife or wristblades. This weapon can be quite
Primary Fire : Fires
a net
Secondary Fire : None
This weapon looks
like a small disc. When trown you can detonate it using your wristconsole
or it will detonate after a short while. When used properly it can be
quite lethal.
Primary Fire : Trows
the bomb
Secondary Fire : Detonate
Your helmet contains
the abilty to switch vision modes and use weapons that track your victims.
New in AvP2 is that you can now lose your helmet. The only way to restore
the helmet abilities is to find another helmet. The helmet has 4 vision
modes in AvP2. They are: Normal, Thermal,
EM Vision and Pred Tech. Thermal
allows your to pick up heat, thus best used against humans. EM Vision
works best agains Xenomorph lifeforms and PredTech is best used against
Metal, like predators and sentry-guns.
Wrist Console
This is your most handy gadget.
It controls almost all aspects of your equipment. It can do a variety
of things, like the control of your plasmacaster. New in AvP2 is the
ability to short-circuit electric devices.
This device has the ability
to bend light around you, thus making you almost invisible. Using a
little energy to activate it and almost none to sustain it, it is most
recomended against humans.
This device heals all your
wounds at the costs of almost half your energy. It is handy and may
save your live multiple times.
Energy Gatherer
This device gathers all the
energy around you. It will restore your energy completely. Drawback
is the amound of light this thing generates, thus alerting many foes.